The UK's scrappage scheme will be extended until the end of March, the government has confirmed.
The government had previously set aside £400 million towards the scheme and it was due to run when all the money had been spent or at the end of February, whichever came first.
However not all the scrappage money will be spent by the end of February. In order to stop it remaining unspent, the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) has moved the deadline by 30 days, to the end of March 2010.
Lord Mandelson, the Business Secretary, said: “Against the background of the economic downturn the scrappage scheme has proved a great success, driving UK car sales, protecting jobs and supporting the supply chain for car manufacture at a time when this sector needed it most.
“If you’re considering buying a new car, you should place your order as soon as possible to avoid disappointment, because the budget is strictly limited.”