Pulman Sponsored Picarsso CycloCross Team Ranks 4th

Pulman Volkswagen is proud to sponsor the Picarsso Racing Team in the British Cyclo-Cross championship. Out of a field of 261 participants, the Picarsso/Pulman Race Team, headed up by Stuart Wearmouth, achieved a ranking of 4th overall for the 2008-2009 season.
Cyclo-Cross is a demanding off-road cycling event using modified road racing bikes, and takes place in the autumn and winter months. The tracks are usually around a mile in length and the competitors have to complete several laps, sometimes having to dismount their bikes to clear man-made obstacles.
The racing is very exciting with around 100 riders competing in most events.
We wish Stuart and the Picarsso/Pulman Race Team all the best for the next season.
For more information see the British Cyclo-Cross website and check out our website for a few more photos of the team in action - Pulman/Picarsso Race Team
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